Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Trinket Box Clay Classes

Over the last six weeks I have been running three Trinket Box Clay Classes.

 The first two weeks we made trinket boxes, some with stamped decoration and some smooth ready for tissue transfers.

 They following few weeks we constructed the canisters. They are a bit like trinket boxes, only bigger...and harder.

One of the canisters we decorated with wax, waited a week then washed back the clay to create a relief pattern.

 Week five, out came the tissue transfers and off we went!

This week is the last week. Every thing has been bisc fired ready for glazing.
next week is pick-up week. I'm looking forward to seeing all the trinket boxes finished!


  1. They are looking great! I'm sad to be missing out this term but looking forward to more details about the coil bowls class next term :)

  2. Watch out for enrolemnts in the next week or so...
